Diary / Beauty / Sep 26, 2022
How to Get Perfectly Defined Lashes
Written by: Bobbi, In Partnership with Tweezerman
Photography by: Ben Ritter
Did you know the secret to perfectly curled and defined lashes is actually in the tools you use? You’ve probably purchased a lash curler in the past without thinking twice about whether or not it was designed for your specific eye shape. By using tools made for your eye shape, like combs and curlers, you’re able to reach every little lash with ease—and that makes all the difference.
In my latest video for Tweezerman (which happens to be just in time for National Eyelash Day on February 19), I’m breaking down how to get perfect lashes, no matter what your eye shape. Tweezerman makes both eyelash curlers and lash combs designed to work with diverse eye shapes. The Curl 38 products are ideal for almond-shaped eyes, while the Curl 60 range is made for round eyes. Here’s how to get perfect lashes in just three easy steps:
Step 1: Curl
Start by curling mascara-free lashes. (If you curl after you apply mascara, you risk pulling lashes out.) Look straight ahead and hold the curler up slightly before clamping down and holding for at least five seconds.
Step 2: Apply Mascara
Once you’ve got your curl, apply your mascara. This will help to set and hold the curl. I always recommend black mascara, no matter what your eye or lash color.
Step 3: Comb
I like to use a Curl 38 or Curl 60 Lashcomb after every layer of mascara. It helps add definition while also declumping your mascara.