Diary / Wellness / Sep 26, 2022
Meet the JustBobbi Wellness Team
Written by: Alexandra Perron, Managing Editor
When justBobbi first launched, it was really important that we were giving a platform to a range of voices from the wellness community. Over the last few weeks, we've introduced you to many of them and we're so excited to continue sharing their tips, tricks and insights. Meet the full team below and read some of their most recent stories.

Dr. Will Cole has been eating kale and drinking health tonics since long before it was trendy on Instagram. The functional medicine practitioner and man behind the Ketotarian diet, has long understood the power of food as medicine and now works with patients from all over the world. His approach to wellness is simple: meet everyone where the are at.
Read: Understanding Inflammation & What it Means for Your Health

Nutritionist Amy Shapiro has wellness in her genes. Her dad was in the health food industry since before she was born and her family owned a health food store while she was growing up. She quickly realized the healing power of food and always finished her veggies at dinner — but she didn’t pursue a career in the industry until later. After eight years in the corporate world, Shapiro went back to school to get her Masters and Clinical Nutrition and went on to start Real Nutrition, where she creates personalized nutrition programs for a wide range of clients.
Read: Healthy Holiday Hacks

Whether it’s tips for drinking enough water or ways to make happy hour a little more healthy, we count on Lauren Slayton of Foodtrainers. The R.D. started her counseling program after working on obesity research and realizing that nutrition isn’t just for the sick or unhealthy, it’s for everyone.
Read: What to Do About The Last 5 Pounds

Dr. Amy Shah has been a part of our justBobbi family from day one. She’s talked to us about gut health and fasting, shared her best anti-aging tips and helped us recover from a holiday binge. She was also tapped by Bobbi to help develop the first collection of products for EVOLUTION_18.
Read: 5 Simple & Effective Anti-Aging Tips

Krystal Weisberg is not your average fitness pro. The former New York City club and nightlife marketer didn’t work out for the first time until she was 28. Yoga was Weisberg's ah-ha moment and she used it to make a space for herself in the wellness community. After helping other fitness studios with their marketing needs, she started teaching classes and running a fitness studio herself. (She's also Bobbi Brown's new personal trainer!)
Read: The 4 Minute Workout You Can Do for Life

Robin Shobin left her job as a credit analyst on Wall Street to launch Charlotte’s Book in 2013 and it has become a go-to resource for the skinny on beauty products and procedures. She's also the founder of HALO Sport, an antioxidant-packed post-workout drink and the woman behind our Girlfriend's Guide series.
Read: Girlfriend's Guide to Losing Your Summer Wine Weight

Danielle Diamond got into yoga long before there was a studio on every NYC block. While working at MTV as a producer, she incorporated yoga into a video and fell in love with the practice. She turned to it as a way to cope, get focused and stay grounded and she hasn’t looked back. Today, Diamond is a certified yoga instructor and nutrition coach, working with clients to help them master a handstand and swap their morning bagel for a smoothie bowl.
Read: Why Strength Training Trumps Cardio

We’re big fans of Nadja Pinnavaia at justBobbi. Not only do we love Plantable, her plant-based wellness program, but we can’t get enough of her food and wellness wisdom. She’s helped us with resetting our habits, gut health and what we can do to look (and feel) our best.
Read: How a Plant-Based Diet Can Improve Gut Health

Linda Arrandt is an integrative nutrition health coach, pilates instructor, mother of three. And she’s also Bobbi’s sister. Having her join JustBobbi as a wellness contributor was a no brainer — the Chicago-based health coach always offers up a fresh perspective when it comes to wellbeing and nutrition.