Did you happen to make one of your New Years resolutions fitness related? If you're reading this article, I think it's safe to assume you have. We talk a lot about looking good and feeling good, but how about feeling stronger? This short daily workout will give you a good place to start. All you need is less than 7 minutes a day for a month. Ready?
Perform each exercise for 45 seconds. Complete 3 rounds. Minimal rest.
Standard Squat
Pushup (if you need to modify, do it with your knees down)
Double Leg Left (if you need to modify, alternate and drop one leg at a time)
30 Day Strength Challenge:
On the 1st day of the workout, record how many reps you complete in each round. Do the same exact workout daily for a month only taking one rest day per week. On the 30th day, record how many reps you complete in each round. And behold the magic of your new found strength!
Can't commit? That's okay. For a quick burn this workout can be done anytime, anywhere and all you need is you.